Next week (Oct. 9-15) has been designated National Fire Prevention Week, sponsored by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA). In observance of this, we’ll be talking about fire prevention and safety. We’ll start off by testing our current knowledge by taking a quiz.

1. The leading causes of home fire deaths are:

a. Cooking and heating

b. Cooking and electrical

c. Smoking and electrical

d. Smoking and heating


2. You should stay in the kitchen when you are:

a. Baking

b. Frying

c. Simmering

d. Steaming


3. Most heating fire deaths are caused by:

a. Chimneys

b. Furnaces

c. Space heaters

d. Wood stoves


4. You should never smoke in a home with:

a. Gas heat

b. Older adults

c. Oxygen in use

d. Paper clutter


5. Smoke alarms should be replaced every:

a. 5 years

b. 10 years

c. 15 years

d. 20 years


So how did you do?

Answers: 1. (d); 2. (b); 3. (c); 4. (c); 5. (b)
