Important Message to PPD, SEE, M&O, Shop Managers, IT-NIS-

Environmental Health and Safety requests your assistance in disseminating this reminder of important laser safety measures to the staff that you supervise – and with any outside contractors that you employ.  A PDF is attached if you wish to post document in a work area.

EHS appreciates your assistance in this matter, Bill Fendt/ EHS – Laser Safety Officer


  • Although it is important for those that enter any UD research lab to confirm with lab staff that there are no hazardous operations taking place that make entry into the lab unsafe, it is especially important in the case of high power laser laboratories.
  • High powered laser labs may have lasers operating at any time and on any day of the week.  Sometimes they are operating when laser operators are not present.  Although laser operators do their best to confine the hazardous laser beam there is a possibility that those that enter the lab who are not trained in laser safety may suffer a permanent eye injury.
  • NO ONE MAY ENTER A HIGH POWER LASER LAB WITHOUT A LAB MEMBER ESCORT.  This means that the lab must be notified in advance of any entry to schedule a mutually convenient time.
  • There are also research-related reasons why advance notice is necessary.  Experiments will need to be shutdown, fragile optical equipment may need to be covered, and lab staff may need to provide those entering with special clothing for dust-control reasons.
  • High power laser labs are easily identified.  They have a LASER ON light mounted at the entrance door and signs stating “Do not enter without a lab escort” or similar.  See picture below.  The rooms are located primarily in Dupont (west), Lammot Dupont, Sharp Lab, Spencer, and Colburn.  The basement of Building X will also have high power laser labs.


Safety Rules when entering a High Power Laser Lab
  1. NEVER risk a permanent injury to your eye.  Do NOT enter a high power laser lab without a lab staff escort.
  2. Always schedule work in advance with laser lab staff so the room may be made safe and fragile laser equipment can be protected.  Four working days in advance is usually needed.
  3. In Dupont Lab, contact Scott Stinner (302-831-2930, to schedule entry.  The name of the person to contact may also be provided in the comments sections of the RFS or Fixit request.
  4. Contact EHS at 302-831-8475 (or use the contact information posted at the entrance to every UD lab) if there are questions about entry to high power laser labs.