The acronym S.O.R.T. is a tool that can help remind us to take steps to address hazards and create a safe work environment. S.O.R.T stands for Stop, Observe, Recognize, and Take Ownership. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.


It can be difficult never to take a shortcut when it comes to safety, but there are many actions that can be utilized to eliminate the urge to do so. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Safety Glasses

Vision loss and severe eye injuries occur all too often in today’s workplaces. According to the CDC, about 2,000 U.S. workers each day sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. Due to the severity and frequency of these injuries, there is no room for shortcuts or excuses when it comes to protecting your eyes on the job. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Hazardous Chemicals – Four Routes of Entry

Chemicals exist on virtually every single worksite. Employees need to understand the chemicals they are exposed to and the possible routes of entry. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Habits and Safety

Pay attention to the habits you hold on to and how they affect you daily. How many of these habits are positive ones, and how many are negative? Look at the choices you make at work, and if they lead to negative behaviors, then look at changing them. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Looking Out for the Other Guy

The importance of looking out for one another’s safety is truly a sign of a mature and dedicated working environment. It’s one thing to look out for your own safety but it takes it to a whole different level when you are committed to the point of looking out for your co-workers’ safety also. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.