Foot Protection

Foot protection means guarding your toes, ankles, and feet from injury. Foot injuries account for 25 percent of all reported disabling injuries. Make sure you’ve got the right footwear for the right job. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Safe Lifting Techniques

Lifting is very much a part of our everyday jobs. And, because it is something we do so often, we tend to do it without thinking; or at least we do until we strain a muscle – or worse, hurt our backs. Lifting incorrectly can result in a variety of injuries. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Hand Tool Safety

One of the key issues with hand tool safety is choosing and using the right tool. Many people view hand tools as simple to use, so there is little concern for safety. In reality, a person using hand tools should always follow precautions. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Heat Disorders – Risk Factors

Continuing the theme of heat stress, there may be underlying factors that heighten the risk of heat stress disorders. Beating the heat is more than just hydrating and staying cool. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Heat Stress

Different people react differently to heat. Symptoms of heat exhaustion may include headaches, heat cramps, weakness, dizziness, or nausea. Take steps to improve your tolerance and curb the effects of the hot sun. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Make a Mental Map

Making a mental map at work helps you complete tasks safely and efficiently. Items in your map should include a well-defined picture of your job and needed equipment, as well as the locations of restrooms, exits, and first-aid kits. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.