First Report of Occupational Injury or Disease

UD has a protocol for occupational injuries/incidents and near misses that begins with a first report. Reporting parties are asked to take initial appropriate actions and perform a root cause analysis alongside EHS. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Ladder Safety

A new CDC study found that falls remain a leading cause of death and nearly half of those deadly falls have been from ladders. Awareness is the best prevention to lower your risk of extreme injury and fatality. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Chemical Burn Safety

Chemical burns by acrylic acid and other materials can result in severe burns, hospitalization, or worse. When working with chemicals, check for proper ventilation, wear appropriate PPE, and perform all necessary checks of the environment. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Lanyard Safety

Lanyard safety is critical to ensure that tools are readily available in situations where time is of the essence. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Hand Safety Awareness

Hand injuries resulting from cuts and puncture cost the construction industry approximately $382 million each year, second only to back strain and sprain injury. Practicing the same hand safety habits you follow on the job will help keep your hands safe at home. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Heat Illness

Heat illness is preventable. Water, rest, and shade are encouraged as both prevention and treatment for heat-related illness. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.