Extension Cord Safety

Each year, around 4,000 injuries associated with electric extension cords are treated in emergency rooms. Half of the injuries are caused by people tripping over extension cords. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Jump Starting A Battery

Many car batteries will fail in the coming winter. A safe jump start often is the best short-term way to start a vehicle. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Frostbite And Hypothermia

Frostbite and hypothermia are cold-related emergencies that may quickly become life or limb threatening. Preventing cold-related emergencies includes not starting an activity in, on, or around cold water unless you know you can get help quickly in an emergency. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Caught In, On, and Between

Workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed injuries per year that occur when body parts get caught between objects or entangled with machinery. Safety tips include assessing the job site for pinch points; avoiding loose clothing, hair, and jewelry; and following warning signs; See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Thanksgiving Fire Prevention Safety

Thanksgiving Day has more than double the number of home cooking fires than an average day. Follow safety tips such as avoiding loose clothing near stoves, turning pot handles inward, and making sure fires and candles are out before ending the night, See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Avoiding Unsafe Acts

Many safety incidents are due to unsafe acts such as shortcuts, complacency, overconfidence, ignoring rules, and attitude. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.