Heat Stress

Temperatures in Newark are expected to reach the mid 90s this week. Therefore, we need to recognize the warning signs of heat stress – muscle cramps, fatigue, and confusion. More importantly, we need to take measures to avoid heat stress altogether by staying well hydrated and taking breaks as necessary. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Defensive Driving

Over twenty thousand students have just returned to UD for the fall semester. You know what that means…more skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and pedestrian traffic! Now more than ever, it is imperative that we remain alert and undistracted while driving on campus. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Injury Reporting

Here at UD, we are responsible to report all near misses, injuries, and incidents to our immediate supervisor. Oftentimes, however, many of these incidents, especially first-aid type injuries, are not reported. But do YOU understand why it is so important? See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Radio Communication on the Job

Communication is critical to the safety of everyone at a worksite. Radios play an important part here at UD to be able to communicate properly with one another. But are we using our radios properly? See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Laser Lab Entry Safety Precautions

Although it is important for those that enter any UD research lab to confirm with lab staff that there are no hazardous operations taking place that make entry into the lab unsafe, it is especially important in the case of high-power laser laboratories. Furthermore, no one may enter a high-power laser lab without a lab member escort. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.

Independence Day Safety Tips

As the 4th of July approaches, many Americans are looking forward to celebrating with friends and family. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous activities. See the FREAS SharePoint page under Safety for more information on this topic and previous Weekly Safety Messages.