Motor Vehicle Safety Talk

Our roads can be a dangerous place. According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 42,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2020. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of workplace injuries. In 2020, motor vehicle incidents contributed to 37% of all workplace fatalities.

Year after year, motor vehicle accidents are at the top of the list as the cause of workplace fatalities. Off the job, they take tens of thousands of lives each year. Driving safely while off the job is just as important as driving safely while on the job.

A serious car crash will affect your family emotionally as well as probably financially. Not only will your family be affected by a car crash off the job, but your company and coworkers will as well. Everyone has a role at work, and when one person isn’t healthy or misses work, the company loses a valuable piece to that puzzle.

Avoid complacency and follow the basic driving safety rules to ensure you make it to your destination.

Members can now download an editable motor vehicle safety PowerPoint presentation to use for longer meetings!

General Safe Driving Tips

  • Do not engage in other activities while driving. Activities such as using cellphones, eating, or even just reaching for an item takes your eyes and focus off the road. A large majority of accidents are caused by distracted drivers.
  • Be a defensive driver. Always leave yourself an out when driving. Think about your next move if an accident was to happen in front of you or if a car ran the next stoplight. Thinking ahead and being proactive when driving can save your life.
  • Never operate a vehicle when impaired by alcohol or when fatigued. Being impaired is a leading cause of deadly accidents.
  • Always wear your seatbelt. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by about half.
  • Maintain a clean and well-kept vehicle. Dirty windows and dust can be distracting and make it hard to see while driving. Loose cargo such as empty water bottles, tools, PPE, and other items are not only a distraction, but they can also interfere with controls in the vehicle.

Discussion points:

-How many people here have been involved in a car crash? Could it have been avoided? How did it affect you or your family?
-How can we become better drivers both at work and outside of work?

Motor Vehicle Safety